The editorial platform dedicated to the world of hospitality includes the website, the weekly newsletter PambiancoDaily Hotellerie, the magazine Pambianco Hotellerie, and the Pambianco Hotellerie social accounts on InstagramLinkedin, and Facebook

It is an integrated system aimed at top managers of 4- and 5-star hotels, hotel owners, and suppliers of hospitality products and services.

Pambianco Hotellerie offers the latest news on its digital media platforms, while the print magazine provides in-depth coverage of economic issues, the Italian hotel industry, and international trend tracking.

Thanks to Pambianco’s know-how, the magazine offers readers market analysis and rankings of the main hotel chains in terms of turnover, profitability, and growth.

The Pambianco Hotellerie magazine, launched at the beginning of 2021, is a bimonthly publication.