The editorial platform dedicated to the world of beauty includes the website, the newsletter Beauty News – PambiancoDaily, the print magazinePambianco Beauty, video interviews on Pambianco Tv, and the social accounts for Pambianco Beauty on InstagramFacebook, and Linkedin.

All the media on the platform are addressed to the top management of cosmetics companies (both Italian companies and subsidiaries of foreign groups) and to audiences that sell beauty products (including perfumeries, pharmacies, wholesalers, hair salons, spas, herbalist shops, and digital marketplaces).

Daily news is offered through the website and the newsletter, while in-depth articles, surveys and interviews with leading figures in the sector are published in the pages of Pambianco Beauty magazine.

Drawing on Pambianco’s know-how, the magazine publishes rankings of the main companies in the categories of turnover, growth, profitability and the global stock-exchange performance.

Pambianco Beauty is a bimonthly magazine with an average circulation of 8,000 copies.